
On Day3 of Heartizen2022, we play with Tangle Whirlee deconstructed by CZT Lynn Mead.

As I was scrolling through my sketchbook, I came across Whirlee; that I noted down a long time ago. I just felt it had an interesting space in the centre and I could easily nestle a heart within!

Tangle Whirlee is a simple tangle pattern and Lynn as she wrote on her blog, was inspired by the maple seeds. You can read through her creative journey here, on her blog.

Though drawing Whirlee in a circular form did not come naturally or easy. It took some practice and I came up with my own style of tangling Tangle Whirlee.

Lynn Mead has shown a lot of variety in creating this tangle pattern. You can use them as fragments or in a circular or even as a border as she has shown here. She has shown so many ways of drawing this tangle pattern, and I simply love the way she thoroughly understands a tangle.

Step-Outs are here:


 For HeartiZen2022, I took some artistic liberty and added a few hearts and echoing lines to the tangle. I am very happy with the result. My tip is to be slow and take time of pause between each step!

Tools & Materials: 3 ½ inch Zentile, Sakura Micron 01 Black pen, 2B pencil and tortillon.

Shop Supplies @ZenBazaar (Shipping only within India)


Watch the Full Video on how I created this Zentangle® Artwork here:


Hope you enjoyed playing with Tangle Whirlee (With Hearts) from our HeartiZen2022 series!

If you are inspired by this video, please post your completed artwork in our private Facebook Group!


Aishwarya Darbha

Certified Zentangle Teacher, Self Taught Artist,


HeartiZen2022 – Day4 - Scarrow


HeartiZen2022 - Day2 - Tangle 8Sam