Zentangle Guilded Gold Class

If you are like me, who loves gold and dreams of those beautiful intricate patterns seen in the ornaments, then you will love this class very much. In this class, we add a little bit of gold using the Gilded Technique. Instead of using an elaborate procedure of using golf flakes, we are going to use a FAUX method to create this gilded effect using acrylic paints. Adding them to different tones of paper creates a very unique Zentangle Art from the period of the renaissance era. I have even tried this on a variety of art-toned papers too.

Class Duration - 3 Hours +

Age: 12 years and above

Criteria: A student must have finished with Beginners Zentangle Class

Suggestion: To have completed a class in Zentangle Renaissance.

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Aishwarya Darbha

Certified Zentangle Teacher, Self Taught Artist,


Zentangle Slit Color Class


Dancing In Black Class-01