Zen MapTangling


Zen Maptangling is a fun technique wherein we create a beautiful scenic beauty with watercolours as a base for your tangle patterns. This class will require some amount of knowledge on how to use watercolour paints and inks.

You will need to prepare your base Zentile before the commencement of your live class. After you complete the registration, I shall share a video tutorial link and show you how I prepare my paper; on my way. This way, you receive a stunning result on your paper, and it is all ready for tangling.

A list of needed materials will be sent to you via email after your registration is done and you will be given a week’s time to buy and keep the materials. I shall also share my personal favourites/recommended materials, and also alternative materials in case you find them expensive or unavailable.

Some items you can keep handy are -

Many of you have demanded this class, and I am so excited that it is finally here. I am so looking forward to have you onboard.

Let’s have some fun together :)

Aishwarya Darbha

Certified Zentangle Teacher, Self Taught Artist,


Intro to Color Pencils


Organic Zendala String Theory (Upcoming)